The last year in review: Huge net worth update!

It has now been one year since this blog was created which has sparked some motivation in me to share with you what has been going on in my life and the changes that have taken place in only one years time. Reflecting on this past year has brought me to remember a lot of

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Financial education: The best investment you can make.

“You will never find a wealthy person who didn’t study wealth.” The Wealthy Gardener Over the past few weeks I have been diving into some new financial books such as Rich dad Poor dad and the Wealthy Gardener, both of which I highly recommend. While reading both of these books and listening to a number

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How the foundations of FI apply during this crisis.

As the current crisis of the corona virus is sweeping our nation, I think it is safe to say that we all are seeing changes in our lives whether positive or negative. This crisis has hit our country and affected people in ways no other thing has in my lifetime. Mass layoffs, government stimulus, closing

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Stocks are Plunging! Don’t be mad, be glad.

I apologize for not posting lately, it has been a busy month for me and it has been hard to get the motivation to sit down and write a blog post. But, something has happened recently that I believe is important to talk about. So I would like to write a brief article on what

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Dividends: The commonly forgotten source of free money.

In the world of stock investing one of the topics that I believe is most often forgotten is dividend returns. What is most talked about is stock prices and the interest returns that are gained on a yearly basis, with the small chunk of free money that is consistently given known as dividends left by

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Spending $800 to achieve a lifelong goal: Learning Spanish

In last weeks article I brought up the topic of investing in yourself in order to increase your happiness and self worth in life. One way I recently have approached this is by tackling a pretty hefty goal I have had for a long time which is learning Spanish. My Spanish learning journey is pretty

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Having the motivation to invest in yourself

Over the last month or so I’ve thought a lot about motivation and how it affects our lives. We most commonly hear about being motivated right around the beginning of the new year as everyone is starting over in their lives and creating for themselves a “new me”. What’s funny about this, is that as

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If you want to master money: start with the basics

I recently read an article “The top 5 lessons I learned from Tim Grover at the Perfect life retreat”. This article was written by Austin Gillis about a man Tim Grover who is the CEO and founder of Attack Athletics, not to mention he was the former personal trainer of someone you may have heard

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How can money matter so much, yet mean so little?

Money is one of the most important aspects of our lives. It is involved in almost everything we do from the purchases we can or can’t make, the schools we go to, the neighborhoods we grow up in, the success in our relationships, and the status we hold in society. Money is the main driver

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How to approach the Holidays Financially

With Thanksgiving, black friday, and Christmas right around the corner I thought it would be fitting to talk about how these holidays truly effect us. I have always thought deeply about this because these have become very consumeristic. This has always bothered me and put a lot of stress and pressure on me to buy

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What is lifestyle inflation, and how can you avoid it?

Over the years, I have seen my income rise pretty significantly as I transferred out of the part time working world to a full time Police Officer. As a teenager, I was making anywhere from $5-$10 per hour and in addition even had some walking around cash from tips as a busboy and pizza delivery

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Huge Milestone Reached: $250,000 Net worth!

Due to recent all time highs in the stock market, I am proud to announce that my accounts have now reached an all time high and have finally pushed through to the $250,000 mark! This has been a highly anticipated milestone for me for years now and being able to finally hit it at the

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Bringing financial literacy to children

Over the past few years, I’ve had a strong desire to start teaching kids about money. This is one area of our society that fails miserably and it is a complete diservice to the next generation. After speaking to adults who are having money problems in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, one resounding thing that

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I got a check for $50,000 

While the title is a little clickbaity, its true. About three months ago I sold my house and was cut a check from the bank for just over $50,000. Holding this check in my hands I realized it was the largest amount of money I’ve ever held onto at once.  Thoughts began to run through my

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I bought a new car! This is how I saved money doing it.

Before you get too excited, it’s not really new, it’s actually far from it but it’s new to me and helps me stay on the path to FI. This type of purchase helps me to stay humble by buying used cars with low miles and are cheap to own. So, as I welcome this 1999

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Is F.I.R.E for you?

One thing I can say about being a person who is pursuing financial independence (FI) is that I definetly have a lot of critics. This is understandable because FI can be such a foreign idea to so many people, especially if they’ve never heard of it before or done any research on it. The idea

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How to take advantage of a recession.

Don’t be scared of recessions, take advantage of them. The stock market can be a scary place for most people. What if I lose everything? When do I know to pull my money out? What if a recession hits? Right now, the thought of a recession is pretty prominent amongst the financial community and it

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Pursuing Passions

Recently, I listened to a Joe Rogan podcast about the idea of being unhappy in your life. Joe Rogan and his guest began to talk about the ideas of hating your job, being stuck in a cubicle all day, and avoiding this by going after the things you are truly passionate about. At this point

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Money really can bring you happiness.

One of the most common cliche’s that gets thrown around is that money can’t buy happiness. While I agree that you can’t actually BUY happiness, I think it should be known that money can definetly bring you happiness. You may be wondering what that means exactly, especially coming from a guy who keeps telling you

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Wealth Building: Buying your next car, the smart way.

It is said that the three largest expenses people have are their houses, food, and transportation. Today we will be focusing on the transportation portion and more specifically cars, because it is one of the purchases that so many people get wrong. We will be taking a crash course on buying a car, fixing your

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How long will it take to reach financial independence?

In a previous article we touched on the 4% rule. The 4% rule takes the idea of multiplying your annual expenses by 25 to deteremine how much money you will need to sustain your retirement. If you currently need $32,000 to cover all of your bills and expenses you will multiply that by 25 giving

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Efficiency over Shortcuts

How many times have you heard someone talk about a “Super Easy, Only 10 Minutes, The #1 Best, Science Breaking” fitness method. Unfortunately these types of plans are extremely commonplace in the fitness realm. It’s really not very difficult to understand why these types of sales and marketing tactics see their share of success. The

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How to Budget: Simplified

When I hear the word budget, what first comes to mind is a long spreadsheet showing colums of expenses, debts, and income, showing where every penny is going and how it is being spent. I also think of things like balancing a check book and spending hours each month worrying about how all of your

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RV on FIRE: Exploring Freedom

An important aspect of our blog is utilizing the platform to help become a more involved part of the financial independence community. While doing some research into the community, I came across one of my followers, Joe. Joe is the founder of RV on Fire, an amazing couple’s story of independence by means of their

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This is your only chance.

That was a bit dramatic but it’s true. I’m talking about our bodies. We only get one of these things and if we screw it up, there’s no do-overs. I’m going to discus how freeing up years of your life could be hugely beneficial to your health & fitness It’s not lost on me that

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What really matters in life?

Recently, the thought of the amount of time I have left on this earth has been on my mind. A good friend of mine, his brother just passed away at a young age, and this has spurred some talks between us. As my friend grieves, he has brought up the idea of how precious time

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A Night at the Movies: Playing with F.I.R.E review

Finally. For about a year now I have been waiting for the opportunity to see the documentary, “Playing with FIRE”. For those of you who aren’t familiar, this is a documentary focusing on everything this blog is about, financial freedom, independence, and overall happiness. When I first saw the trailer, I was so excited that

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Should you be doing cardio and why?

This has to rank as one of the most common questions I would get while I was training clients. As a former manager of a personal training studio but more importantly as just an average every day fitness geek, I’ve fielded tons of questions from people who are unsure if their method activity is right

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Selling my house to become a Renter

Thats right, I just recently sold my house! What a relief. Back when I was 23 years old, I was about a year into my new career as a Police Officer. I was still living with my parents and now that I had such a grown up job, it was time to do the grown

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Let’s Talk About Roth IRA’s

As a teenager I started to get interested in the thought of investing. I had seen some retirement calculator saying that if I started just investing approx. $100 a week (only $5,200 per year) and continued to do this until I retire at the age of 62 I would have just over $1.25 million dollars!

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How much money do you need to retire? (4% rule)

Goodmorning everyone,  Today I’d like to go over one of the most vital steps that will begin to propel you towards financial freedom. Financial independence is a term that I toss around a lot and, at its most basic, FI is having enough money stored away or invested so that you now no longer have

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Let’s talk about investing: The Basics

Here we are, the topic everyone wants to hear about, investing.  This is probably the topic that sparks people’s curiosity the most, but also is the most challenging topic for us to get our heads around. This is due to plenty of good reasons. The stock market can be confusing. Hearing about The Fed, bonds,

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Emergency Funds

So you may be reading our past articles and realize that this whole financial independence idea is starting to sound pretty good. You are ready to embark on a path towards having the freedom to do what you want when you want to, but are still confused as to where to start. The investment side

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How I saved over $200,000 by age 27

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post I started on this road to financial independence about 7 years ago. Thinking back on it now, I think the mindset was always kind of there for me. I remember being a young kid probably about 8 years old and always wanting to save money. Back then, I

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Let’s talk about fitness

Gabe here! Fitness. Everybody’s favorite word to describe how long and far they can run. Or how much weight they can lift over their head. Or how many times they can pull themselves up to some arbitrary bar that is inconveniently set between their master bedroom and the hallway. “Hey you see that pull-up bar?

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Let’s talk about debt.

Debt is seen as one of those taboo topics that most people don’t like to talk about. It’s generally not discussed much because it’s one of those things that many of us are embarrassed to talk about. We know it’s not a good thing but it’s something we just can’t help right? I mean how

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So what is F.I.R.E. and what does it mean for you?

What is financial independence anyway? Matt here. I’d like to take the opportunity to explain what exactly this F.I.R.E movement is all about. I’ll begin by explaining how I became interested in this “crazy” idea. So we’ll turn the dial back about 7 years. Back in 2012 I was introduced to the blog Mr. Money

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Fitness to Finance: This is who I am.

Hey it’s Gabe, here’s my take on this financial independence thing… Where to begin It was the Summer of 2018 and I realized that my current career path left me desiring more. I was unfulfilled, felt stagnant, and strongly craved the ability to grow in a meaningful way. Having worked as a Police Officer for

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